Botany Square is a mall that was built in a strategic location in the city of Bogor, the position on the side of the toll gates Bogor City and right in front of the Tugu Kujang (triangle Garden Bogor Raya Bogor Agriculture Institute-terminal-Baranangsiang), Botany Square commercial area became the most light and have high value. Ease of access from various corners of the City of Bogor and its surrounding areas are also anticipated with the availability of the parking area is very wide and direct access to the toll jagorawi, so in a short period of time, Botany Square has become a major shopping destination in the city of Bogor.
Botany Square is the integrated life style and business area to be part of the nuances in the city of Bogor Botanical it implementation tenant with a combination of images that formed a class and become the only mall in the city of Bogor is equipped with the hotels (Hotel Santika) and IPB International Convention Center. Botanical Square has a wide 42,000 m2 has 5 floors and consists of Basement, Lower Ground, Ground Floor, Floor 1 and Floor 2. Basement area used as a motor car.
Botani Square
Jl Pajajaran No. 69-71, Bogor
Phone: (0251) 8386658
Fax: (0251) 386659