Malioboro Mall is one of the existing shopping center is supported with a strategic location and has a high historical value, in Malioboro street. The location alone is not sufficient without the support of something interesting and a lot of people interested visitors. This then is always done by the Malioboro Mall, did some changes and innovations so that visitors do not feel bored.
Marketing strategies and programs planned, and many interesting programs and events that took quality that is not less important role in the process of growth and development of Malioboro Mall until you reach the age of 15 years. All these factors are strengthened by continuous promotion and sustainable, it makes Mal Malioboro mall is still a choice that has its own characteristics as a shopping mall in the heart of Yogyakarta city.
Mall Malioboro
Jl. Malioboro No. 52-58
Yogyakarta 55213
Phone : (0274) 551 888
Fax : (0274) 588 242