Located at the heart of the IBCC complex, this modern high rise five storey building wraps IBCC concepts as a premium commodities seller that gives you a rare insatiable access to purchasing the most complete hardware and finest interior building a commodities as we only stock what we are proud to sell !!
Istana Building Commodities Center brings you the best deals and offers of building commodities trading in Bandung. Save rupiahs off the high street prices to get only the finest stuff to your door. Istana BCC is what building commodity center ought to be. The range of building commodities is huge. Options vary form interior, mechanical and electrical installations commodities to the most up to date show room and exhibition area.
Istana Bandung Commodities Center also accommodates reputable offices and Representatives of Consultants, Property Broker, and well-known developers. Enjoy a stress free buying experience while gathering detailed information of the latest building commodities products
Plaza IBCC
Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 296
Bandung 40271
Phone : 022 - 7231331 / 7231341
Fax : 022 - 7278351